Nathan Coleman

Nathan Coleman
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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Spirit

September 5, 2016

Hey friends and family! I have a little bit more time than I expected today to write a blog post so I will try to include some good things in here. Everything is going well here in Seoul, Korea! The weather is cooling down and we are having a ton of success and fun! This week especially was good because I got to go on an exchange with one of my good friends, Elder Jenkins. He is the man. Anyway, this week we also learned a lot about Korean culture, specifically stuff related to ancestor rituals and stuff like that. In two weeks is the Korean thanksgiving and during this time Koreans spend a lot of time cleaning the graves of ancestors and doing other stuff like that. Anyway, super cool stuff even though we don't get to see a lot of it hands on. Another cool theme for this week was following the Spirit. From the start to the end of this week I have had the blessing to see many miracles come through the comforter. When I think of the Spirit I think of 6 blessings that I have received from it.

First the spirit testifies of Christ. I feel this witness almost every day as I have the opportunity to testify to others of the importance of Jesus Christ. It brings a warmth to my heart and great memories to my mind of when I first began to learn of Him.

Second, it comforts us in times of trials. When we feel lonely or alone, the spirit whispers to us our many blessings. It tells us that although our situation is not ideal, in time it will get better.

Third, it gives us spiritual strength. For all of us who are attempting to overcome bad habits and temptations, the spirit will give us the strength and endurance to continually overcome these difficult challenges.

Fourth, it warns us. Sometimes these warnings are of temporal danger but often they are of spiritual danger. The spirit will tell us if we are doing something that will put us or someone else into harm’s way.

Fifth, it leads us and directs us on how we can improve. This blessing of the spirit has been especially valuable to me in my life. Every time I ask "what can I do more?" or "how can I be better" it whispers to me in my mind and heart and encourages me to be a little kinder or work a little harder.

Finally, the spirit sanctifies us. By valiantly and consistently following the promptings of the spirit, we become a new person. A stronger and more loving person. As we give head to the promptings of the spirit, our past lives, habits, and even character are changed into disciples of Christ.

I promise and testify that all of us who have received the Comforter after we have been baptized have a right to its constant companionship as long as we are worthy and always seek it. I promise that those of us who do not have the Gift of the Holy Ghost can still gain guidance from Heavenly Father as we take steps to become closer to Him and eventually receive that gift. My friends and family, the gospel is so simple and I know that God has given us a perfect guide to lead us safely home. All we must do is ask, seek, and knock. 

I love you all,
Elder Coleman

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