Nathan Coleman

Nathan Coleman
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Monday, January 16, 2017

A Sure Foundation

January 15, 2017

Hey everyone!

This week was more of the same here in Korea! We have a lot of people in this small city who are very nice and curious about who we are and what we teach. This week, we actually had the chance to teach 3 separate people who are all Muslim. Serving in this area has definitely opened my mind even more to how people in the world feel about ideas like the purpose of life, how to find happiness, and where we go after death. It is a wonderful experience to learn from others and also to share things that I have come to know are true.

So this morning was actually pretty interesting. I spent a lot of time this morning thinking about different beliefs around that world and what I felt was true and how I came to know the things that I believe. Honestly, I can't explain where all the religions in the world came from. I don't think that they are all wrong or that there is only one path to happiness in this life and all other paths lead to misery. That is not what I have seen when I have been in Korea or when I was growing up. I have seen many good people be happy by doing good things. One of the appointments that I had this week was actually about this. This man talked about how every religion is trying to point the believers of that religion towards God. If followed, all religions teach us to believe in Christ and God, even if the way that they view God is not always the same. As I pondered these thoughts I read this scripture in the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ.

15 And now I, Jacob, am led on by the Spirit unto prophesying; for I perceive by the workings of the Spirit which is in me, that by the stumbling of the Jews they will reject the stone upon which they might build and have safe foundation.

 16 But behold, according to the scriptures, this stone shall become the great, and the last, and the only sure foundation, upon which the Jews can build.

As I read this scripture I pondered what Jesus Christ has meant to me in my life. I, of course, have been raised in a church and by parents who believe in Jesus Christ, but I have felt every time I learn of him, think of him, and pray to him that  I feel a strength in my life and a desire to be better that is not just a thought in my mind. It, in my belief, is truly strength from someone greater than me. I don't know exactly what kind of judgement will wait for us after we die. But I know that it will be a merciful judgment for those who have desired the good and have done their best to follow Jesus Christ's example, even though they may know him as another name or read about him in another book. But what I do believe and what I do know is that Jesus Christ, if we truly follow His example and rely on Him, can be the safe foundation and the sure foundation on which we can build, to find safety from the confusion and chaos of the world.

I love you all,

Elder Coleman

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